About the Author
Gloria Lauris describes herself as curious and loves exploring different themes of stories she feels are worthy of telling.
The Canadian writer was born in Saskatchewan, raised in BC, lived in six provinces across Canada and in three countries overseas and has traveled through over 50 countries. She currently resides in Toronto, Ontario. She has degrees in sociology and art history and is a retired government policy analyst, as well as being a long-time animal welfare promoter.
Gloria pens nonfiction on various topics including animals, travel, gardening and food, taking inspiration from her experiences and observations. She also co-writes anthropomorphic fiction for children with a colleague.

Animal Adventure Stories
Backyard Buddies:
Let the Badventures Begin!
Co-authors Gloria Lauris and Allan E. Carty along with illustrator Sarah Woronchak are pleased to share the semi-illustrated version of three badventure stories in this novelette.
According to JJ’s mom, a blue jay, a badventure is a bad adventure that turns out good in the end. Usually.
“In life there is the plan, and then there is what happens,” said Chippy.
The stories follow the antics of Chippy, the sensible chipmunk and Dash the anxious red squirrel and their backyard animal friends and foes. The importance of community, harmony and friendship is explored in suspenseful yet humorous way. For readers 8 and up.

Invaders Make BAD Neighbours: A Backyard Buddies Badventure
APRIL 2024
Co-authors Gloria Lauris and Allan E. Carty along with illustrator Sarah Woronchak are pleased to present their semi-illustrated sequel to Let the Badventures Begin!, in a novella called Invaders Make BAD Neighbours.
Can a diverse group of northern backyard wild animal buddies led by an old, half-tailed chipmunk named Chippy help their new forest friends save their magnificent but dying Elder Tree?
While doing so, they must dodge jealous squirrels and crow clan vendettas. Will they save the ancient tree in time and survive themselves?
Above all, they will need to remember an important lesson from LBJ’s sparrow mother: “Tweet others the way you wish to be tweeted.” For readers 10 and up.

The Case of the Missing Nuts
Check out the first work by co-authors Allan E. Carty and Gloria Lauris. “The Case of the Missing Nuts,” is a short children’s story about the adventures of Chippy the Chipmunk and some of his backyard buddies in solving this mystery of the missing nuts.
It is featured in Cloud Lake Literary’s digital literary magazine, Volume 2, March 26, 2021. For more information and to order, please check out https://www.cloudlakeliterary.ca/volume-two

Non-Fiction Articles
Don't Miss the Boat
March 23, 2023
A cruise day trip begins leisurely and results in panic.
See here in the Bluebird Word Online Literary Journal

Honour & Valour
Honour & Valour is a piece about Gloria’s father’s WWII war experience, published by More of Our Canada in their November, 2019 edition tribute to war veterans.
See here

Egyptian Cat Hero
A blog in HoneyGuide Literary Magazine about an amazing cat who inadvertently started an animal welfare movement overseas. Read Here

Nice Rice
A quick rice journey through several culinary dishes and countries. Read Here in Skipping Stones Multicultural Literary Magazine.

The Philippines is a Rice Place to Live
Some things to consider for expats moving to the Philippines, especially for solo, retired foreign women. Read Here in Story House Magazine, the Preservation Foundation, a nonprofit book publisher.

Arthur's Odyssey
An article in The Daily Mews (UK) about a special Ottawa ON Canada cat who has a large following. Find out why here

Fiction Articles
That's Life
March 31, 2023 online in Scars TV Publication; in print publication August, 2023 in v210 of “Down in the Dirt” Magazine
A day in the life of a dying woman and her various reflections. And afterwards.
See here