Backyard Buddies' Badventures

Backyard Buddies:
Let the Badventures Begin!


Co-authors Gloria Lauris and Allan E. Carty along with illustrator Sarah Woronchak are pleased to share the semi-illustrated version of three badventure stories in this novelette. 

According to JJ’s mom, a blue jay, a badventure is a bad adventure that turns out good in the end.  Usually.

“In life there is the plan, and then there is what happens,” said Chippy.

The stories follow the antics of Chippy, the sensible chipmunk and Dash the anxious red squirrel and their backyard animal friends and foes. The importance of community, harmony and friendship is explored in a suspenseful yet humorous way. For readers 8 and up.

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“The cover is very attractive and foreshadows fun and mystery. The illustrations definitely add to the book and the number of them is just right. The map of the garden works very well for reference along the way and the simplicity of the black and white drawings is perfect.  I am curious  to find out what badventures happen to these animals! A lovely read for kids and adults alike.”

Helen Rogers, Canadian Visual Artist in  AB and ON

See interview about the book here

Invaders Make BAD Neighbours: A Backyard Buddies Badventure

APRIL 2024

Co-authors Gloria Lauris and Allan E. Carty along with illustrator Sarah Woronchak are pleased to present their semi-illustrated sequel to Let the Badventures Begin!, in a novella called Invaders Make BAD Neighbours.

Can a diverse group of northern backyard wild animal buddies led by an old, half-tailed chipmunk named Chippy help their new forest friends save their magnificent but dying Elder Tree? 

While doing so, they must dodge jealous squirrels and crow clan vendettas. Will they save the ancient tree in time and survive themselves?

Above all, they will need to remember an important lesson from LBJ’s sparrow mother: “Tweet others the way you wish to be tweeted.” For readers 10 and up.

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“CONGRATULATIONS on your magnificent new book! The page layout is well done, the illustrations are perfectly attuned to the story, and the extra touches like the cast of characters, map and glossary really raise it to a special status.

I found the book to be an incredibly accomplished story, so deeply skillful on so many levels…it was a total pleasure to be immersed in its creative world! It is a gem of a story and I feel like I have come to know the characters on a whole new level.”

E. Cloutier, Retired Family Therapist and Research Analyst, Ottawa, ON.

See review about the book here


Book 3 in the series coming Spring 2025!

Books are available at:

Singing Pebble Bookstore (Ottawa)

Ritchie Feed and Seed (Ottawa)

Urban Nature Stores (Toronto/GTA)

Ottawa Public Library



Upcoming Events

September 27-28, 2025 – Queen’s Park Toronto, Word on the Street (WOTS)

Past Events

November 20, 2024 – Scarborough Village Community Center, Holiday Market

December 7, 2024 – Birchmount Bluffs Neighborhood Center, Holiday Market

December 8, 2024 – Pickering Urban Nature Store, Book Signing

December 14, 2024 – Ritchie Feed and Seed, Author Reading and Book Signing

Knitted by a Miss Fluffy fan